Monday, August 11, 2014

Bittersweet changes

It's that time of year, we've just had our first major personnel changes at CABS. Sam and Megan Cole have returned to the states and Megan Best has joined Laura and I in the field! 

One of the last pictures of our team. 

Congratulations to Sam, who is just starting her Ph.D. under Joan Silk at ASU! So, she'll be back out here with the baboons eventually (maybe even next summer? wink wink). In the meantime, good luck with classes and settling into grad student life! 

Megan Cole has returned to Michigan for now, but will be applying to grad school this fall. Now it's time to buckle down on GRE studies and prep for the same transition to graduate life. Best of luck! 

We miss you guys, but we are excited to introduce Megan Best:

Megan Best is a recent grad form ASU with a dual degree in biological sciences and anthropology. She likes monkeys, chameleons, browsing imgur (I'm not sure what that is.....), climbing, and capoiera. She's hilarious and, so far, a fantastic fit in our team. Her adventures are just beginning, so stay tuned for more! 

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