Friday, August 14, 2015

My return to Anubisland

I arrived in Kenya to find Kate waiting for me at the airport with our favorite Nairobi taxi driver, Francis. Kate Abderholden, hailing from Indiana University, joined in the project in January while I was away. By the time I met her in person she was, by all accounts, a pro in the field, home, and even Nairobi. It was so very nice to have her welcome me back, her relaxed confidence and humor set me completely at ease – something I needed after all that travel! 

Kate is yet another Kitty-Lover, Moo approves....sometimes.

The following night was the arrival of our second 2015 research assistant, Leah Worthington. A recent Princeton grad, Leah had a short break at home before heading out here for her year of baboon work. So far Leah has proved to be a great addition to the team. She is precisely what you want in a new babette: a quick study, enthusiastic, and already comfortable joking with the whole team.

Leah after hearing her first zebra during her first sundowner, need I say more?

And what a team is was this summer! When we reached camp we were greeted by the other 4 members of the summer crew: Megan, Sam, and Vance from ASU and Corinna from UCSD (you’ll recall all of them from last year). Megan and Corinna have both been here since I left, keeping the project running strong. Sam returned as a graduate student this summer after her first successful year at ASU and Vance came back for his second summer with the babs. Last, but not least, Shirley arrived at camp only a few days after I arrived bringing our camp total to 8 researchers. It was tight, but wonderful to have all these folks around and be able to see all the work being done. 

Sam and Moo, happily reunited this summer :) And Vance back again!

The current baboon project grad students: Vance, Corinna, and Sam.

It's been particularly great catching up with Miss Shirley!

I was endlessly pleased with the fantastic work the team had done in my absence – even though we were in contact the whole time, it was a heavy burden to leave for them to pick up. I already thanked Megan, but here I also need to thank Kate. She was equally helpful, being ever willing to step in when Megan needed her and her seemingly endless energy was vital through this last long dry season. I am very grateful to both of these ladies, they kicked some serious data butt! Now Megan hands the reigns over to Kate while Leah learns the ropes around here. The 2015 Babettes:

I have yet to do baboon field days since I've been back, but have been busy catching up on computer work and monitoring the data coming in. I did take part in the most recent baboon census (where we count all the baboons in local troops that we DON'T follow). It included some tiring hikes, but it was great to get out there again! I was at least able to enjoy a sundowner or two right away:

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